User Resources
FAQs and Documentation
SELinux for Everyday Users (Slides by Paul Wayper)
SELinux for SysAdmins (Slides by Paul Wayper)
SELinux Tools (canonical list with explanations)
Reference policy documentation
Understanding SELinux memory protection controls
Explanation of text relocations and a description of how to find the reason and how to fix them
Portuguese Documentation Hardening Linux Usando Controle de Acesso Mandatório
SELinux Booleans Documentation at the Centos Wiki
Writing policy for confined SELinux users Red Hat Magazine article by Dan Walsh.
Fedora 9 and summit preview: Confining the user with SELinux Red Hat Magazine article by Dan Walsh.
What's new in SELinux for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Red Hat Magazine article by Dan Walsh.
A step by step guide to building a new SELinux policy module Red Hat Magazine article by Dan Walsh.
What is Security-Enhanced Linux? Red Hat Magazine article by Russell Coker.
Secure Linux containers cookbook by Serge Hallyn of IBM.
Role-based access control in SELinux: Learn your way around this admin-friendly security administration layer by Serge Hallyn of IBM.
SELinux from scratch: Build an SELinux-ready Gentoo system by Serge Hallyn from IBM.
Polyinstantiation of directories in an SELinux system by Russell Coker.
Taking advantage of SELinux in Red Hat Enterprise Linux Red Hat Magazine article by Faye Coker and Russell Coker.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 SELinux user guide
Summary of SELinux articles on Red Hat knowledge base
Fedora SELinux Policy Module Packaging (draft)
SELinux object classes and permissions reference
SELinux reference policy interface reference
Hacks From Pax: SELinux And Access Decisions by Pax Dickinson.
Hacks From Pax: Security Enhanced Linux and Mandatory Access Control by Pax Dickinson.
Hacks From Pax: SELinux Policy Development by Pax Dickinson.
Paranoid Penguin - Introduction to SELinux, Part II by Mick Bauer.
Paranoid Penguin - Introduction to SELinux by Mick Bauer.
Multi-Category Security in SELinux in Fedora Core 5 by Russell Coker.
Configuring the SELinux Policy
Object Classes and Permissions descriptions
- SELinux System Administration - Second Edition by Sven Vermeulen, Packt.
- - SELinux Cookbook by Sven Vermeulen, Packt.
- Advanced SELinux System Administration (Video) by Sven Vermeulen, Packt.
- Getting started with SELinux System Administration (Video) by Sven Vermeulen, Packt.
Mailing lists and IRC
Mailing lists and IRC channels
- SELinux Community News
- Planet SELinux - Aggregates all of the blogs below (plus some more)
Hardened Gentoo's SELinux project page
OpenSolaris Flexible MAC project
Public forum for the NSA Security-Enhanced Linux project
Cross Domain Solution Framework